A downloadable game

A horror game where you only have one normal eye... and also a demon eye. Unfortunately the demon can still see with that eye, and wants it back from you.

...Or at least that's the idea. We ran into the time constraints of the jam on top of technical issues, but oh well!

WASD to move, mouse to look around.

Q opens/closes left (demon) eye, and E opens/closes right (human) eye.

Mouse1 over certain objects to interact with them.

Made by a team of 4 over 48 hours for the GMTK 2019 Jam. The team:

-Maxen McCoy

-Dana LeMay

-Melody Morse



OneEyedDevil.zip 77 MB


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Nice preview of the game! Made you a lil video ^_^

Played this for a 3 free indie horror (I'm aware it's a Jam game) Was really disappointed that I was met with an unplayable, broken game. Definitely don't recommend posted broken games in the future. if you want some honest feedback on what's there, I give that in my video below.